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Success stories Racing Staff Week - Hannah Chisman and First Fandango

21st October 2021
Tattersalls RoR Amateur Ridden Show Series Champion 2021, First Fandango and Hannah Chisman

Next in our series of features marking ‘Racing Staff Week’, is Hannah Chisman who tells us how she juggles her racing job with looking after her former racehorse First Fandango.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I am travelling head girl to John Spearing having worked in racing since the day I left school 17 years ago. When I am not at work, I will usually be out riding, competing or spending time with my son Harry who is 4 years old.

When and how did you get your former racehorse? First Fandango, now known as Freddie came in July 2017 straight after his last race, I came across Freddie as I retrained his full brother Nicene Creed.

What was he like in his early retraining and did you know the horse during his racing days? I didn’t know him during his racing days, but he has taken to his new jobs like he has done it all his life

Does he have any funny quirks? He likes his beauty sleep and a lot of it! If he sees the saddle coming he starts yawning in the hope he may get the day off.

How do you juggle working in racing and looking after your former racehorse?

I am very lucky that Freddie lives right next to work so I can get to him very easily, I also have some great friends on the yard that help me out if I’m racing.

What has he achieved and has your partnership exceeded all your expectations? Freddie is just amazing there is nothing he wouldn’t give a try. He has evented up to BE100, won showing finals at Hickstead and the RoR National Championships, qualified for Horse of The Year and even won dressage finals.

What plans do you have with him? Freddie is now having a well deserved holiday over the winter before we plan to have lots of fun next summer including heading to the RoR National Championships. It’s our favourite show of the year.

Have his racing contacts kept in touch with you and follow his progress after racing? Freddie took part in an open day for Tim Vaughan Racing recently and it was lovely to see some of the staff that previously looked after him. Freddie’s breeders stopped me at a show one day and introduced themselves to me, it was lovely to meet them.

Why do you love thoroughbreds? Thoroughbreds are just so willing, they try so hard to please you and I would never have anything but a thoroughbred.

Latest success stories RoR is always interested to hear of other success stories so please email us and send a photograph of your own story.

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