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Horses for Courses ambassador of the month

We are delighted to introduce our October ambassador of the month Baron Alco

One of our busiest ambassadors, Baron Alco is a familiar face at Plumpton Racecourse. He attends as many race meetings as possible, meeting the public in their retired racehorse stable. Eight-time winner Baron Alco is known as Barry at home and since retiring has excelled in dressage, winning at the British Dressage Championships.

Ambassador: Baron Alco

Owner: Diana Cannings

Ambassador for: Plumpton Racecourse

Racing Career: Baron Alco was originally trained by Gary Moore running under rules 21 times, winning on seven occasions including the Grade 3 BetVictor Gold Cup at Cheltenham. He retired in 2018 and joined his current owner Diana straight out of training.

We asked Charlotte to tell to tell us more about Nine Altars

How did you become the owner of Baron Alco? I was chatting to a good friend, Hayley Moore (daughter of his trainer Gary Moore) about maybe taking on another retired racehorse to retrain and she told me about a very special horse that was retiring from racing that she thought I would get on well with - she was right!

Have you owned a former racehorse before? Yes, we've had several ex-racehorses either to keep or to begin their retraining and find their forever homes, on behalf of their owners.

How did Baron Alco settle into life after racing? Barry retired due to an old injury being aggravated so he was on box rest and just hand walking to begin with. This would drive most super fit horses crazy, but he just took everything in his stride and has always been very settled. I do think this is the first autumn that he doesn’t think he should be going racing soon though!

What do you and your horse get up to together? A bit of everything really, hacking, giving the kids a lead on their ponies, dressage, showjumping and cross country schooling.

What are your highlights so far of owing Baron Alco? Everyday is a highlight with Barry, he is the most wonderful horse to look after and ride. I think one major highlight must be winning at the British Dressage Associated Championships. Just to ride him in that championship arena was very special, but winning was the icing on the cake. It was on the same day that he had previously won the BetVictor Gold Cup at Cheltenham making it even more special. I will also never forget the feeling when I first cantered him across fields, he is just pure class!

How did your horse react when he went back to the races? Does he enjoy his ambassador role? He walked in the gates so calmly, he is sure everyone is there just to see him! He is so confident and loves meeting people so he thoroughly enjoys his days out at Plumpton Racecourse.

Have you attended community events and how was the reaction form the people you visited? We've not had the opportunity to yet, but hope to do so soon. I've been touched by the reactions of people at Plumpton - so many people have never had the chance to be up close or to touch a racehorse and they really appreciate getting to meet them personally.

What are Baron Alco's likes? Barry loves a cup of coffee (latte with one sugar ideally!), splashing in the big puddle in his field, being groomed and plaited, any type of riding, all attention - Barry really does love most things!

What are Baron Alco's dislikes? Polos are the only thing he doesn’t like.

Does your horse have any habits which make you laugh? Barry always makes me laugh, he's a bit of a comedian! He squeaks when he gets excited, neighs when he sees me with a cheeky look on his face, steals my coffee if he can get to it and loves to cover himself in wet mud like a hippo!

We are delighted to introduce our September ambassador of the month Nine Altars

One of our original group of ambassadors, Nine Altars is the only ambassador representing a Scottish racecourse as ambassador for Musselburgh Racecourse. Nine Altars leads a varied life, hacking out in the countryside and beaches, taking part in RoR shows and attending race meeting at Musselburgh. He recently took part in a photo shoot with the Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity one of Musselburgh's supported charities

Ambassador: Nine Altars

Owner: Charlotte Dun

Ambassador for: Musselburgh Racecourse

Racing Career: Nine Altars was originally trained by Ann Hamilton running under rules 14 times before being purchased to go point to pointing with his now owner Charlotte Dun. The pair raced in 13 point to points and nine hunter chases, winning or placing on nearly every occasion.

We asked Charlotte to tell to tell us more about Nine Altars

How did you become the owner of Nine Altars? We bought Toby from Ann and Ian Hamilton. Ann and Ian have long been family friends, and I was looking for a point to pointer. I pestered Ian for a little while and they eventually let us buy Toby.

Have you owned a former racehorse before? Yes, my family have always been involved with racehorses in one way or another be it breeding, running or retraining them. They are so intelligent, athletic and rewarding.

How did Nine Altars settle into life after racing? We have been incredibly lucky that Toby took to retirement very quickly. I used to take him to the beach and did a lot of gymnastic jumping with him when he was competing in point to points, so he adapted very quickly to being asked to do a round of showjumps or a showing class.

What do you and your horse get up to together? Toby and I hack out all year round, at least three or four days a week to keep him fit and active. He still loves going to the beach and he is the perfect nanny for young horses. I have done a few RoR showing classes with him and some cross countries. He still retains his zest for jumping hedges, so I also take him to some of the hunt tune ups.

What are your highlights so far of owing Nine Altars? I won a few point to points and was placed in some valuable hunter chases when we were racing which will always be special memories, but I get a massive amount of joy of retirement with him. I really enjoy our long Sunday hacks, beach trips, early morning spent together before work. Toby has a wonderful temperament and is a joy to have.

How did he react when he went back to the races. Does he enjoy his ambassador role? He loves it! He is a bit of a show off so loves the attention. He is a very kind soul and knows when he needs to be gentle, for example when kids are feeding him polos, but will swag around the paddock showing off when being paraded.

Have you attended community events and how was the reaction form the people you visited? Yes, we recently did a meet and greet on family day at Musselburgh. The families loved meeting Toby, fed him lots of carrots and polos and asked lots of questions.

What are Nine Altars Likes? Carrots and swimming in the sea.

What are Nine Altars dislikes? Small ponies – he is terrified of anything under 12hh!

Does your horse have any habits which make you laugh? He can be funny to catch in the field, so he will casually walk backwards until he sees a carrot!

We are delighted to introduce our August ambassador of the month Barbers Shop

One of the latest ambassadors to join the scheme, Barbers Shop is part of Kaite Jerram-Hunnable's team of RoR show horses who are the ambassadors for Newmarket Racecourse. Barbers Shop has been busy making community visits, meeting school children during a Racing to School visit and meeting and greeting racegoers.

Ambassador: Barbers Shop

Owner: Katie and Chris Jerram-Hunnable

Ambassador for: Newmarket Racecourse

Racing Career: Barbers Shop was trained by jumps trainer Nicky Henderson for his owner breeder HRH Queen Elizabeth and ran 24 times. An eight-time winner, he also placed seven times and ran at the Cheltenham festival and at other big festival meetings.

We asked Katie to tell to tell us more about Barbers Shop

How did you become the owner of Barbers Shop? When Barbers Shop retired from racing, Her Majesty the Queen sent him to me to be retrained for the show ring. During his new career, we have had many great successes including becoming Champion at the Hickstead Derby, Supreme Champion in the RoR Championship final, Reserve Champion at Horse Of The Year show, before going on to become Supreme Champion of the show at Royal Windsor Horse show in 2018. HM The Queen then decided to retire Barbers Shop from his second career and very kindly gifted him to me. She felt he was so settled and happy here, she didn’t want him to live out his days anywhere else.

Have you owned a former racehorse before? Yes, I had experience with racehorses having had Point to Pointers and trained National Hunt horses through my career and my father had a permit to train. I’ve also had many successes with RoRs through the years including Night Prayers and First Receiver (now owned by His Majesty the King).

How did Barbers Shop settle into life after racing? He loved his new career, but I strongly believe that everything in life Barbers Shop loves. He's an incredibly happy horses who loves his work, his field time and plenty of attention.

What do you and your horse get up to together? Barbers Shop now lives a very varied lifestyle. He may have retired from the show ring, but he loves an outing! Recently we've been to a charity event in Windsor, church evenings, parades and meet and greets. Barber won't turn down any invitation - he's a socialite!

What are your highlights so far of owing Barbers Shop? His achievements in the show ring, especially at the RoR National Championships and at Royal Windsor were amazing. Being able to have retrained him for HM The Queen, and then to have been gifted him, is very special. I feel incredibly lucky to own him and being involved in his whole second career is a highlight to me.

How did he react when he went back to the races? Does he enjoy his ambassador role?
Barbers Shop loves his days back at the races; he pricks his ears and is incredibly interested in seeing what's going on at different racecourses. He loves his days out and loves the attention he receives from the public when he’s there. Once a racehorse always a racehorse!

What are Barbers Shop's likes? Barbers Shop loves life, people, being ridden, a day out and treats. He’s especially partial to the odd orange!

What are his dislikes? Being on his own. He's defiantly a horse who loves to be surrounded by others in horse or human form. He doesn’t like his own company and never has.

Carrots or polos? Both, but he would prefer an orange. The juicier the better!

What is your horses favourite past time? Digging holes in mud and rolling in it. He thinks he’s a hippo - he loves it!

And finally, if he had a catchphrase what would it be? Life is a dream.

We are delighted to introduce our July ambassador of the month Side Glance

One of our original Horses for Courses ambassadors, Side Glance has made many raceday appearances, community visits, attended photoshoots and has even tried to predict the winner of a race at Ascot.

Ambassador: Side Glance known as Sidey.

Owner: Leanne White

Ambassador for: Ascot Racecourse

Racing Career: Side Glance ran on the flat for trainer Andrew Balding. He won eight races in his career and was placed second or third fourteen times. He has travelled the world and run in countries such as Australia, America and Dubai.

We asked Leanne to tell us more about Sidey

How did you become the owner of Side Glance? I looked after Sidey while he was racing and was lucky enough to travel around the world with him. When he retired from racing, Sheikh Fahad very kindly gifted him to me. As I was still travelling a lot for Andrew Balding at the time, Sidey went to live with a very good friend of mine (Sarah) who already had a retired racehorse, Pentecost, whom I had also looked after in training. Then, four and a half years ago, Sidey came to live with me full-time.

Have you owned a former racehorse before? No, although I had retrained a couple for other people.

How did Sidey settle into life after racing? Sidey originally had a year off due to a tendon injury. He was turned out with dear old Pentecost and settled very well.

What do you and Sidey get up to together? Sidey had a very good racing career so nowadays it’s just about having fun and putting a smile on people’s faces in his role as ambassador for Ascot. He really is amazing! At 17 years of age, he can still be very sharp, but put him around anyone vulnerable and he completely changes. He often meets school children and the elderly at Ascot, and he has visited schools and care homes before. My stepdaughter learnt to ride on him and had her first canter on her 11th birthday. My young nephews have all ridden him. He loves getting dressed up for the village Christmas ride, loves a pub ride and going to the beach.

We also like to get out and about competing; last week he won his first novice dressage class. Sidey isn’t the most natural jumper, but we have had so much fun at the RoR camp at Lucinda Sims, and a camp at Stockland Lovell Equestrian Centre. Having not started jumping until he was 14, he is like a green but very enthusiastic four-year-old.

What are your highlights so far of owing Sidey ? There are so many highlights. Galloping on the beach which had always been a dream of mine - to do it on Sidey was very special. Watching my stepdaughter learn to ride on him. Seeing the smiles he brings to people’s faces in his ambassador role. Being able to lead my Cypriot rescue hound off him. Oh and riding him to the altar on my wedding day!

How did Side Glance react when he went back to the races. Does he enjoy his ambassador role? He loves his role as ambassador, he adores attention and is such a poser in front of the cameras! He does get excited in the main parade ring; he definitely remembers his racing days.

How did the people you met react when you’ve attended community events? We’ve done quite a few community events now. The reaction of the people we have visited has been incredible. The children are always so excited, and the elderly and their carers have been so thrilled to meet him. It’s always heart-warming to see how kind and gentle he is. I really couldn’t be prouder of him.

What are Sidey’s Likes? Polos, apples, pears, carrots, children, dogs, chewing off over-reach boots and posing for the camera.

What are Sidey’s dislikes? Being brushed.

Does Sidey have any habits which make you laugh? He’s got the mentality of a Thelwell pony, so he makes me laugh all the time, but the funniest is probably galloping in his sleep while he’s snoring!

And finally, if he had a catchphrase what would it be? Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional!

We are delighted to introduce our June ambassador of the month Sleepy Haven, aka Noddy

Sleepy Haven is one of our newest ambassadors, but has already had a busy start, with appearances at Bangor on Dee and Chester racecourses, TV and social media interviews and starring in his own blog Nodding Around which can be seen on Chester's website

Owner: Lilli Durning

Ambassador for: Bangor on Dee and Chester Racecourses

Racing history: Sleepy Haven started his racing career on the flat with David Barron, before spending the rest of his career in the care of Jenny Candlish over jumps. He is the winner of five races and placed second or third 22 times.

We asked his owner Lilli Durning to tell us more about Noddy

How did you become the owner of Noddy? I became the proud owner of Noddy when I found him advertised on a site for former racehorses. As we were only 45 minutes away, my family jumped in the car and set off to see him.

Have you owned a former racehorse before? Noddy is my first former racehorse, but I had been around them plenty due to my work as a freelance groom/rider. They are such a great breed and very lovely horses.

What are your highlights so far of owing Noddy? Over the three years of owning Noddy, we have made so many memories. The biggest achievement would be when we won the Championship at Reaseheath College Equestrian Centre and also going to Northcote Championship where we placed third.

How did Noddy react when he went back to the races? Does he enjoy his ambassador role? Noddy absolutely loves coming back to the racecourse at both Bangor and Chester to meet everyone, he loves all the fuss and treats people offer him. He definitely lives up to his name and ends up nodding off during the day!

What are Noddy’s likes? Noddy loves a lot things but the most important thing in his life is his food. He will try and steal any food he can reach. We did see this love for food when being interviewed on at the races, he walked straight out of the stable for the grass!

What are his dislikes? The one thing he dislikes the most is sheep. It’s a very odd dislike, but he really did not like the sheep that we had stay at the yard two years ago.

Carrots or polos? Noddy loves carrots and doesn’t like polos.

Does he have any habits which make you laugh?
Noddy loves to show how he can stretch, he will do it when he wants food, attention or before we ride. He also likes to give you a lick and to hold his tongue out.

And finally if he had a catchphrase what would it be? His catchphrases would definitely be “I am the star of the show” as he just loves all the attention he gets when visiting Bangor on Dee and Chester racecourses.

We wish Lilli and Noddy the best of luck for the competition season. Keep an eye out for them visiting Bangor on Dee or Chester racecourses.